Councils, Runanga, request ministerial call in of rubbish incinerator proposal.

Environment Canterbury, Waimate District Council and local Runanga request ministerial call-in of Project Kea.
Requests were also made by Why Waste Waimate, Zero Waste Network and the Waimate Doctors. In a bizarre turn of events SIRRL also makes a call-in request after contesting councils request.
The councils’ request to the Minister was based on the following crucial Resource Management Act criteria:

  1. The proposal has aroused widespread public concern or interest regarding its
    actual or likely effect on the environment (including the global environment);
  2. The proposal involves or is likely to involve a significant use of natural and
    physical resources;
  3.  The proposal involves or is likely to involve technology, processes or methods
    that are new to New Zealand and that may affect its environment;
  4. The proposal is likely to be significant in terms of section 8 of the RMA; 
  5. The proposal affects more than one region or district.