Philip Alfred Leslie Cropp

Honey producer Philip Cropp is Renew Energy’s second-largest shareholder, accounting for 15.58% of the total shareholding.

Philip Cropp owns numerous honey-producing companies, including:

Philip Cropp and Cropp’s NZ Limited are also equal shareholders in Cropp’s Factory Road Ltd, which manufactures personal care products. Their brands include:

The company prides itself on using the cleanest, natural ingredients “so you can be assured that what you put on your skin is safe.”

Can Mr Cropp provide the same assurances to the people of Glenavy and Waimate when supporting a waste incinerator sited hundreds of kilometres away from his home? 

WWW also believes that it is hypocritical for a honey producer reliant on the health of his bees to support an incinerator that will release vast amounts of nitrogen oxides, carbon dioxide, and sulphur dioxide, known to be highly poisonous to bees and other pollinator insects. Would Mr Cropp be so keen to support this incinerator in his backyard in Nelson?