Company announce plans to build W-t-E incinerator in Waimate

Waimate was supposedly chosen as the “perfect” location for a Waste-to-Energy plant. At least two failed previous proposals show this company’s propensity to target small towns. Why chose Waimate? The district landfills approximately 1200 tonnes of waste per year, while SIRRL wants to burn 365,000 tonnes annually. Why should Waimate have to shoulder the burden and resulting fallout from burning almost the entire South Island’s waste?
The company tells us that this is a better solution to landfills and that they will recover aggregates from the ash for roading and construction. However, previous proposals have proposed landfilling ash.

Company withholding important information?

The company has indicated its interest in various sites across the district, but has not yet disclosed specific locations. An OIA request from Waimate District Council reveals that the company has been in discussions with senior council management since June 2020, possibly earlier. This OIA material also references Morven as the chosen location. The community, as stakeholders, has a right to this information. So why is it being kept from us? 
Recent information-sharing sessions at the Waimate Event Centre provided a concept without detail. Yet, the company has stated they intend to lodge a resource consent within a few months. 
The Waimate Proposal is not the proponent of this venture’s first rodeo; proposals date back to 2017 in Westport when Buller mayor allegedly signed secret deals with the Chinese W-t-E partner.
This pattern of non-disclosure, from Westport to Hokitika and now in Waimate, is cause for suspicion. The company appears to have the details but is choosing to keep them from the public. This lack of transparency is concerning.