
Contentious Feilding waste-to-energy plant proposal withdrawn due to “technicalities”.

Zero Waste Network general manager Dorte Wray said members were “absolutely thrilled for the community, for the climate, and for a real zero-waste solution.” This proposal was shocking, as it is a failed technology all over the world. It doesn’t work, and it is incredibly toxic and polluting.” The proposed waste-to-energy pyrolysis facility in Feilding will not proceed after the applicant, Bioplant Manawatū NZ Limited, withdrew its discharge to air resource consent application with Horizons Regional Council. Thanks to the efforts and continued persistence of Ngāti Kauwhata, Feilding Against Incineration community group, and members of the Manawatū community opposing the proposal, a great outcome has been achieved for the community and the environment. Learn more

Contentious Feilding waste-to-energy plant proposal withdrawn due to “technicalities”. Read More »

Expert Andrew Curtis withdraws support for pyrolysis pant due to unreliable data.

Curtis was confident the plant would not negatively affect the environment. A 2021 report he co-authored, based on Bioplant data and modelling, indicated the plant should not be able to be smelt outside its boundary, and its gas emissions would have no impact on the surrounding area. However, his supplementary report to the commissioners on Monday, having considered additional evidence from Bioplant consultants, found insufficient information and “fundamental errors” in modelling. MORE ON ANDREW CURTIS & PDP

Expert Andrew Curtis withdraws support for pyrolysis pant due to unreliable data. Read More »