Gerard Anthony Gallagher

A company by the name of N2ENZ Limited was registered on the NZ Companies Register on May 11, 2015, by Gerard Anthony Gallagher. 

On November 19, 2015, the shareholders of N2ENZ were: 

  • Gerard Anthony Gallagher.
  • PR & MM Taylor. (Paul Robert and Mary Moana Taylor)
  • Business Class Limited. 

Business Class Limited, November 19, 2015


  • Diane Elizabeth Cleverley
  • Donald Murray Douglas Cleverley


  • Diane Elizabeth Cleverley
  • Shaun William Cleverley
  • Anna Jensine Cleverley

From N2ENZ to Waste Energy Ltd to Renew Energy Ltd.

On June 25, 2016, Gallagher filed a change of company name from N2ENZ to Waste Energy Limited. 

The company name was again changed on August 16, 2017, from Waste Energy Limited to Renew Energy Limited.

State Services Commission Investigate Gallagher and Cleverley.

Gerard Gallagher

In September 2023, North & South magazine published an article titled ‘A Burning Question” by George Driver. The article provided the following about Gerard Gallagher: ‘In 2017, the State Services Commission (SSC) looked into reports that Gallagher and a colleague had used inside knowledge from their work for the Canterbury Earthquake Recovery Authority (CERA) to profit from property deals. The commission found their actions amounted to unacceptable and serious misconduct. Murray Cleverley was also involved with both CERA and the property business under investigation, but he was found to be unaware of the business’s dealings. The commission said he made a “significant error of judgement” in not disclosing his connection to the business.’

Gallagher prosecuted by SFO - Found guilty of fraud.

The State Services Investigation was referred to the Serious Fraud Office (SFO). The SFO prosecuted Gallagher, who was convicted of three counts of fraud for the corrupt use of official information and sentenced to 12 months of home detention.

Gallagher resigned as CEO of Renew Energy in 2017 and sold his shares, but he was still paid by the company as an independent contractor until late 2022. Cleverley had sold his shares in Renew Energy in 2017.