

“We would never embark on a plant if we thought that we were likely to have to import waste.”

Renew Energy managing director Paul Taylor is adamant SIRRL won’t import waste. However, in 2018, when Stuff asked why the company was proposing a plant in Westport, Renew Energy’s then-chief executive David McGregor seemed to suggest otherwise, saying: “One of the reasons for Westport was because of the port facilities. We can bring material from the [Pacific] Islands and Australia.”

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Councils, Runanga, request ministerial call in of rubbish incinerator proposal.

Environment Canterbury, Waimate District Council and local Runanga request ministerial call-in of Project Kea.Requests were also made by Why Waste Waimate, Zero Waste Network and the Waimate Doctors. In a bizarre turn of events SIRRL also makes a call-in request after contesting councils request.The councils’ request to the Minister was based on the following crucial Resource Management Act criteria: The

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North & South article highlights company’s chequered history.

Failed West Coast proposals, unlawful storage of waste, corruption, and importing waste. Director Paul Taylor claims he doesn’t know when asked about Chinese government involvement in Project Kea, but N&S unravels the truth. In 2016, government agency New Zealand Trade and Enterprise (NZTE) contributed $50,000 towards a feasibility study for a plant in Westport — it was never published due

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